Works Cited


Bozorgmeher, Mehdi and Roger Waldinger, ed. Ethnic Los Angeles. New York:
Sage Foundation. (1996).

Dent, Gina, ed.  Black Popular Culture: A Project by Michele Wallace.
Seattle: Bay Press. (1992).

Diop, Margaret Brumfield. "Leimert Park Village Demonstration Project Work Plan."
Los Angeles: DIOP Enterprises.  (1994).

Fiore, Faye "Hidden Charms: Festival Gives Visitors a Glimpse of Leimert
Park, and African-American Cultural Haven in Southwest L.A." Los Angeles Times.
(Sunday, August 22, 1993).

Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. "Two Nations…Both Black" Reading Rodney King,
Reading Urban Uprising. Robert Gooding-Williams. New York: Routledge. (1993)

George, Lynell.  No Crystal Stair: African-Americans in the City of Angels.
New York: Anchor Books. (1992).

Gordon, Vivian Verdell.  "How Do We Rage Safely? Some Thoughts About
Racism and the Psychological Consequences of Being Black in America."
Why L.A. Happened: Implications of the '92 Los Angeles Rebellion.
Haki R. Madhubuti. Chicago: Third World Press. (1993).

Harris, Peter J.  "Leimert Park Village."  American Visions Journal.
Vol. 7, No. 1, 1992.

Hise, USC Professor Greg and Students.  "Leimert Park: A Complete
Community." USC Class PlDV 414. (1994).

Kelley, Robin D.G. Yo' Mama's Disfunktional!: Fighting the Culture Wars
in Urban America. Boston: Beacon Press. (1997).

Lemon, James T.  Liberal Dreams and Nature's Limits: Great American
Cities Since 1600. Cambridge: Oxford Press. (1992).

Samad, A. Asadullah. "No Meters in Leimert Park."  LA Watts Times Online
Weekly Edition. (May 19, 1997).

Students of UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management.  "Leimert Park
Village: Market Feasibility and Commercial Lease Analysis." Field Study Project.
(Fall/Winter 1993).

On-Line Web Resources
"L.A. Beyond the Pale."

"l.A.'s black Wall Street: Leimert Park."

"No Meters in Leimert Park!"

Directions to Leimert Park from Claremont:


Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities. London, New York: Verso, 1991

Jahn, J. Muntu: African Culture and the Western World, New York: Grove Press, 1990

Jones, Raymond A. “African Psychology: A Systems View,” from Psych Discourse, Vol. 29. No. 2, February, 1998 13-24

Rollins, Lisa. Field Notes. September-December, 1998.

Spini, Tito and Sandro.  TOGU NA: The African Dogon, "House of Men, House of Words".
New York: Rizzoli, 1977.

Sutherland, Efua.  "Foriwa," from Binding Cultures.  Indianapolis: Indiana University Press,1992.

Watson, Dj. Online Interview. October 29, 1998.

Online Resources

 Los Angeles Times.  "BRINGING IT ALL BACK HOME".  Metro; Part B; Page 1; Column 2; Metro Desk.   October 26, 1992, Monday, Home Edition February, 1998