Bozorgmeher, Mehdi and Roger Waldinger, ed. Ethnic Los Angeles.
New York:
Sage Foundation. (1996).
Dent, Gina, ed. Black Popular Culture: A Project by Michele
Seattle: Bay Press. (1992).
Diop, Margaret Brumfield. "Leimert Park Village Demonstration Project
Work Plan."
Los Angeles: DIOP Enterprises. (1994).
Fiore, Faye "Hidden Charms: Festival Gives Visitors a Glimpse of Leimert
Park, and African-American Cultural Haven in Southwest L.A." Los
Angeles Times.
(Sunday, August 22, 1993).
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. "Two Nations…Both Black" Reading Rodney King,
Reading Urban Uprising. Robert Gooding-Williams. New York: Routledge.
George, Lynell. No Crystal Stair: African-Americans in the
City of Angels.
New York: Anchor Books. (1992).
Gordon, Vivian Verdell. "How Do We Rage Safely? Some Thoughts
Racism and the Psychological Consequences of Being Black in America."
Why L.A. Happened: Implications of the '92 Los Angeles Rebellion.
Haki R. Madhubuti. Chicago: Third World Press. (1993).
Harris, Peter J. "Leimert Park Village." American Visions
Vol. 7, No. 1, 1992.
Hise, USC Professor Greg and Students. "Leimert Park: A Complete
Community." USC Class PlDV 414. (1994).
Kelley, Robin D.G. Yo' Mama's Disfunktional!: Fighting the Culture
in Urban America. Boston: Beacon Press. (1997).
Lemon, James T. Liberal Dreams and Nature's Limits: Great American
Cities Since 1600. Cambridge: Oxford Press. (1992).
Samad, A. Asadullah. "No Meters in Leimert Park." LA Watts
Times Online
Weekly Edition. (May 19, 1997).
Students of UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management. "Leimert
Village: Market Feasibility and Commercial Lease Analysis." Field Study
(Fall/Winter 1993).
On-Line Web Resources
"L.A. Beyond the Pale."
"l.A.'s black Wall Street: Leimert Park."
"No Meters in Leimert Park!"
Directions to Leimert Park from Claremont:
Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities. London, New York: Verso, 1991
Jahn, J. Muntu: African Culture and the Western World, New York: Grove Press, 1990
Jones, Raymond A. “African Psychology: A Systems View,” from Psych Discourse, Vol. 29. No. 2, February, 1998 13-24
Rollins, Lisa. Field Notes. September-December, 1998.
Spini, Tito and Sandro. TOGU NA: The African Dogon, "House
of Men, House of Words".
New York: Rizzoli, 1977.
Sutherland, Efua. "Foriwa," from Binding Cultures. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press,1992.
Watson, Dj. Online Interview. October 29, 1998.
Online Resources
Los Angeles Times. "BRINGING IT ALL BACK HOME". Metro; Part B; Page 1; Column 2; Metro Desk. October 26, 1992, Monday, Home Edition February, 1998